The Dirty Cultivator

The Dirty Cultivator a Farm & Garden Podcast episode #29

June 09, 2015 The Dirty Cultivator
The Dirty Cultivator
The Dirty Cultivator a Farm & Garden Podcast episode #29
Show Notes
This exciting episode is a little different than most as Northwest Tech Guru and friend of the farm and farm kid turned adult Amal Graafstra joins us in studio to talk about Switcheroo. This unique device can modify just about anything humans push to be operated on your smartphone. The full crew also get busy talking CSA - Summer heat and early season crops growing great for the CSA boxes and farmers market sales. Sugar Snap Peas, and Strawberries make a return to our talk, and all the other things keeping us busy this time of the year. Growing is good, and so is technology - so make sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign for switchheroo get your mod chips today and enjoy hands free upgrades to your life!